Kristin Young Tattoos

Pricing I like to explain my pricing up front because it’s different than most other tattoo shops and can be a bit confusing for newer clients. I changed the way I price because, over the course of the past 14 years, the industry began changing and my skill level started progressing. When it comes to tattooing, with experience also comes speed. I noticed that the traditional flat hourly rate was no longer the best way to price. It wasn’t fair to the client or the Tattooer. For example, a less experienced Tattooer would tattoo much slower. So, with the hourly rate, the client would end up paying more for a lower quality tattoo from someone with less skill/experience. I could do the same tattoo twice as fast and with a higher skill level and I would only make half the money. There has also been a huge shift in the subject matter and size of tattoos. In the past, the majority of tattoos were smaller or pre-made/cookie cutter tattoos requiring little to no prep time. Now, clients are wanting much larger and more personalized/custom tattoos that require hours of drawing/design before the they even get in the chair. Since the pandemic, the price of medical supplies has almost quadrupled. A box of gloves used to cost $6-8. Now, they’re between $25-30 and that’s if you can even find them. So our supplies are costing way more than they did in the past. These are all things that have raised the cost of tattoos but the clients don’t usually know about. So, it’s no surprise when they balks at the price of their tattoo quote. I literally have my dream job and I 100% know that I have my clients to thank for that. I’m not trying to get rich. I just want to be able to continue doing what I love for a living and give my clients the best work I can. My prices match the expense cost, my experience, and my skill level. Some styles I can tattoo much faster than others and I price accordingly. It’s not so much about the size of the design as it is the total amount of time that is spent designing, placing, and tattooing it. You will always know how much a session is going to cost you before your appt. If, at any point during the session, it seems like the tattoo will take longer/cost more than the amount we discussed, I will ask before going further and we can decide from there. I price by the piece for smaller tattoos. I give a quoted price before we schedule and if no major changes are made to the originally agreed upon design and breaks during the tattoo are kept to a minimum, that quoted price won’t change more than about $50. I charge roughly $150/hour for tattoos that don’t require design or prep prior to the actual tattooing. Tattoos that require design/prep and cover up tattoos range from $200-300/hour. If your tattoo requires more than one session, you are only charged for the work you get at the end of each appointment, plus 7.5% sales tax. I understand that my tattoos are not cheap and that tattoos are not a necessity. So when my clients spend their hard earned money on a tattoo from me, I am completely grateful. I want my clients to feel comfortable talking with me about pricing. I will always try to work with you. I can’t charge less, but I can break tattoos up into multiple sessions so that the cost can be divided up over time instead of paid all at once. I can also design your tattoo to fit a budget you can afford(within reason). Just tell me what you’re working with and I can tell you what our options are. PREPARING FOR YOUR TATTOO: 1- HYDRATE. Try to drink as much water as possible and try not to to drink alcohol the day before your tattoo. Alcohol thins the blood, which dilutes the ink we’re putting in your skin. 2- EAT. A couple hours before your appt be sure to eat a decent meal. We want your blood sugar to be as level to keep your tattoo experience as pleasant as possible. 😊 Please let us know if you are prone to fainting when seeing blood, giving blood, or getting shots. 3- SNACKS. Bring a drink or snack that contains sugar in case your blood sugar starts to drop. When our body has a spike in adrenaline(nerves and excitement lol) it uses up a lot of our blood sugar. We can get light headed, nauseous, or even pass out. Ingesting sugar ASAP can keep these things from happening. It is quite common for our bodies to react this way (and it is nothing to be embarrassed about). Just an FYI, if anyone does pass out, we’re all trained in CPR/First Aid and have tons of experience with this exact situation. 4- CLOTHING. Wear clothing that you’re comfortable in and that makes it easy to access the area being tattooed. We will cover any private areas with dental bibs and tape. You might also want to wear dark colors or something you wouldn’t mind getting stained. Tattoo ink is permanent on clothing as well as skin. 5- AFTERCARE. Make sure you will be able to follow your prescribed tattoo aftercare. A: We will put a wrap on you that is waterproof. You keep it on for 3 full days. You can shower, exercise, or whatever you normally do with the wrap on. Some itching and redness around the outside of the tattoo is totally normal and will subside once it is removed. B: When you remove the wrap on the end of the third day, peel it off slowly while keeping the skin under it tight. Wash it gently but thoroughly with warm water and a mild soap. Pat it dry with a clean paper towel and apply a fragrance free hypoallergenic lotion (my fav is Eucerin brand). C: On the 4th or 5th day it should start to peel and flake like a sunburn. It may start to itch. Please do not scratch or pick at your tattoo! Continue applying lotion for a couple weeks until it stops feeling dry and itchy. Your tattoo is fully healed when you are able to scratch it with your finger nails without feeling discomfort (roughly 2-3 weeks after you get tattooed). D: Do not submerge your tattoo in water of any kind until it has stopped peeling/flaking. Showers are fine, but no soaking in water (no baths, hot tubs, or swimming). E: Keep your tattoo out of direct sunlight for the first 2 months. If you will be outside for long periods of time, be sure to cover your tattoo with clothing or a bandage (even a cut off tube sock will work). After 2 months it is strongly suggested that you use SPF 50 or higher. I suggest the baby SPF that comes in what looks like a large tube of chapstick or a tiny deodorant. It has a chapstick texture so it’s easy to apply to only the tattooed skin and it’s water proof! 6- TIPPING. While not required, it is customary (and always very much appreciated) to tip your Tattooer. As with wait staff, the standard is 15-20%. We accept most credit/debt cards as well as cash at our shop and there is an option to leave a tip on your card.

Business Hours

4 AM - 12 AM
12 PM - 8 PM
12 PM - 8 PM
12 PM - 8 PM
12 PM - 8 PM
12 PM - 8 PM
4 AM - 12 AM

Cancellation Policy

Deposit is non-refundable/non-transferable and will be forfeit in the event of a no show or cancellation with less than 48 hour notice(by text message only please 515-868-4530). If you decide not to get tattooed or change the subject matter of your design, the deposit will be used as a drawing fee and a second deposit will need to be made. Thank you so much for your business. You are greatly appreciated😊